According to the Knopf guide of Rome, my nemesis is the Herring Gull. Every night, he competes with the traffic, the loud dog next door, the yappy dog down the block, and the random signing drunks to wake me up the most. To be fair, Rome also has the black-headed gull, but I think that the Herring Gull is really something special. For a rather limied sample of his voice, check out the
Cornell Ornithology Lab. The link doesn't capture his laughing, catlike, or baby type sounds, which are particularly creepy late at night. To be fair, Dr. Benson has reminded me that at night the gulls often swarm above the Vittorio Emanuele Monument and it can be a rather magical sight. But, in my opinoin, it is also reminiscent of Hitchcock's
The Birds! This little arrogant guy hung out on the Trevi all morning.
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